September/Friendship post
Styling with Stitches Project
Memory Lane
Question of the day
Today, I went to write the post and I found out the hard way that Blogger had changed everything. So I've been fighting with the computer for hours to no avail. I give up...blogger has won! Did anyone else have a hard time just figuring out how to single space? Why change something that is not broken is my question???
Has Fall come your way? Are your evenings getting cooler and are leaves falling in your area? I love Autumn weather but here in Florida it will stay warm and humid until December. So, I miss the crisp Autumns that I remember so well. I know Mary will have a gorgeous Fall in New York and she will really enjoy her hikes. I wonder if she would like a good friend to make a trip north.
Styling with Stitches
September is our friendship month when Mary and I show you gifts we have given each other or other friends. And, we would like to thank all of you for the friendship you share with us. Your visits mean so much to us. We also have two extra features. Memory Lane is a new addition that we hope you will enjoy. And we haven't had a Question of the day in awhile so we thought we would add one of them too.
RJ's Styling with Stitches Project
My gift to Mary was a set of three stitches in a kit by Lizzie Kate called Busy Bee. The patterns all centered around a bee theme which we both enjoy. The first little stitch was honeycomb and your initials which they showed in a round box. I saw alot of ladies doing them in a Tim Holtz pocket watch locket and loved how that looked so I gave it a try. It was hard stitching on 32 ct. over one but I love how it came out. In fact, I enjoyed it so much I made six of them for gifts.

The second stitch was a busy as a bee stitch that I put in a chippy black frame. It was a lucky find in Hobby Lobby. I don't know exactly what it is made of but it is very heavy and had alot of space in it for framing.

And, the third pattern I really thought was cute. They had this one framed too but I decided to put it on matboard and then attach it to a bigger piece of matboard covered with black ticking. Then the whole thing was attached to a white washed plaque. I changed BE to BEE yourself and I bought a cute little bee button and forgot to put it on. The yo yo is the cutest bee fabric but it is not showing up too well in photos. And, it sits on top of black ribbon with a large black button in the center.
I love this set from Lizzie Kate. It was really fun making all three and I really want to stitch them again sometime.
Busy Bee set By Lizzie Kate 40 ct. Platinum Linen called for overdyed floss Tim Holtz pocket watch |
Mary's Styling with Stitches Project
While on vacation in Vermont with a friend, we stopped at a small quilt and needlework store. Diane William's "Needleworker" was on display and I immediately knew I had to stitch this for RJ. She is the one that got me so interested in this pastime we both love so much.
I had it put in this beautiful frame and I love how it is displayed on her bookcase.
Needleworker by Little House Needleworks Country Mocha linen called for floss custom frame |
Memory Lane
This is a new feature where we will feature some of our older projects. We get asked alot what our favorite projects have been. So we each chose five to share with you.
RJ's Five Favorite S/S Projects
#1. I would chose our pillow pinafores. These are kind of Stitching Friends signature project and we are trying to make one for each month of the year. We are half way there and more are coming next year. This design is called Life and Liberty by Shepherd's Bush.
#2. Our trays were really an enjoyable project. You will be seeing some new inserts for our trays with the change of seasons. Can't wait to get started on them. This intricate design is also by Shepherd's Bush and it is called Where my home is there dwells my heart. I really liked adding a list of all the bases we were stationed at on the right side.
#3. Making sewing machine covers was a fun way to make our machines look prettier. I really enjoyed the stitch on this one too. It is called This is my happy place by the Scarlett House.
#4. Last year we made our first bulletin board for summer and another one is coming this October for the fall. Plum Street Sampler designed this stitch and it is called Hello Summer.The tacks are made with scrabble tiles and spell out summer.
#5. We are making a word play door beller for every month of the year too. I've had fun adding fabric, small appliques and charms to make up these sweet stitches. I think I like the December one the best so far but they are all really cute. All of the word plays are by With thy Needle and Thread.
Mary's Five Favorite S/S Projects
My top 3 favorite projects are "Surprise-Surprise" from Brenda Gervais, my favorite designer. Where Hearts Rest is a fairly recent finish and I just love it on the little chest.
#2 is Liberty for All and I love it on the frame turned tray.
#3 is Valentine Sampler. I was chuffed with myself that I was able to gift RJ a stitch on 40 count. I've come a long way from the first 14 ct. Aida gift that I stitched for her.
#4 and # 5 I think are favorites because I use them in flower arrangement displays. I enjoy combing floral and cross stitch
# 4 is Pumpkin Hollow from Fanci That. I put a call out on Facebook asking for help identifying a stitch and kind stitcher not only sent me the pattern I was inquiring about but a lovely assortment of Fancy That charts. So, this project reminds me of the generosity of stitchers.
# 5 is Mrs. Maguire Bee Charmer by Pineberry Lane is a favorite because I think it is charming.
We have missed so much this year because of Covid. Sometimes it does not feel like it can really be happening. Prayers are said every day that this disease will be over as quick as possible So with that in mind, we have a question for you.
What is the first thing you are longing to do when Covid is over?
Don't forget to sign up for the Traveling Whirligig if you are interested in stitching just one or all of them. There are four patterns (one for each season). All you need to do is send us an email with your mailing address so we can put you on the traveling list. They are small charts and you will only need a stamp to mail in America and about $1.15 of postage to send overseas. So everyone can be included easily. And, we are excited to see how far they travel.
Thank you all so much for coming by to see us. We truly appreciate your visits and your kind comments. Excuse some of the spacing etc. on this post. I hope to have the kinks worked out on this new blogger format in the near future. We will be by to visit with all of you to see what you have been working on.
Everyone that have been affected by the hurricanes and the wild fires remain in our thoughts and prayers. Stay safe and take care friends.
Stitching Friends
You ladies inspire me with every post. But you are also enablers as I saw several charts I was not familiar with so I need to find them. I think I might be able o stitch one of the small pocket watches. 32 is about as high as I like to go in my stitching forays. I also loved your pillow pinafores...such a brilliant way to display and rotate needle work. As for the question about what I will do when this plague is over. Well fortunately we can do quite a bit now but wearing a mask when we do it. So I am going to say, having a Mask burning party!!!! I hated wearing them when I was a nurse and they still make me claustrophobic. Thanks for sharing your expertise with all of us. Regarding blogger I found that I have to add the picture at the end of the previous sentence to get it where I want it and that does not seem to be foolproof. I do think the old format was much easier. But then what do I know I am just a little old lady!!
ReplyDeleteI love love love everything. I remember so many of those projects and how I need more time. I really want to do a pillow pinafore AND a vase stitch or basket stitch AND a stitch for a box....gee whiz guys - so many cute things. That pocket watch is such a cute idea too.
ReplyDeleteYou know I have missed my 4th and 5th grade girls that I worked with at church. Some will have moved onto the new level and I didn't get to hug them goodbye. We are still doing mostly online church ---hope to be in person soon. I miss teaching. This year has been a tough one. I try to keep my chin up but I will admit that at times it has worn me down.
Blogger --- yuk. I am with you why change it when it works just fine.
Always such lovely stitching. I really like the bees, I have a bit of a thing about bee designs and these are just delightful. When covid 19 is over I will be glad to stop worrying about it, I am a natural worrier. My son has it a tty moment, mildly but confirmed by a teat, so we are all in isolation too. It is one thing knowing that it is out in the world and another to know that it is in your home and you are at risk in your safe place. Another week to go until home becomes safe again. Stitching every day helps my sanity. x
ReplyDeleteBeautiful stitching exchanges with both of you.
ReplyDeleteSuch a treat to see them all and those beautiful finishes
I would love to see my family and friends I do see a few but would love a big get together.
I went with the blog change from day one , knowing they would change it anyway . Just hoping that we can get the emails right when we comment ,
Have a wonderful week.
Hello Mary and RJ,
ReplyDeleteso many wonderful finishes.
I love them all.
Ich habe schon früh auf die neue Benutzeroberfläche getauscht, aber sie ändern ständig noch an irgendwelchen Kleinigkeiten, so dass ich bei jedem neuen Blogpost auch überrascht werde.
Have a nice Sunday and a nice new week.
Big Hugs, Manuela
You both have had some beautiful finishes.
ReplyDeleteI love the pillow pinafore, so pretty.
I miss going to craft fairs & flea markets, as most have been canceled.
You ladies never cease to amaze and inspire!!! I love all your projects, especially the bee ones, as you know--thanks RJ!!! I don't recall that LK pattern but will look for it tomorrow when I will be going to a LNS. You too truly have a gift for finishing creative and clever!
ReplyDeleteThere is a chill in the air here and I am so happy..I love cool weather clothes.
As for Covid, I have kind of liked having it as an excuse to stay home and stitch the days away, but long to be able to HUG again!!!
Always delightful to find a new post from you two! RJ, I love the bee set you created for Mary. And Mary, I love the Needleworker piece you stitched for RJ. I enjoyed seeing your stitches from the past. Your pinafores are a definite favorite, but heck, I love seeing your finishing.
ReplyDeleteI can't wait to gather with the ladies in my stitch group in person or attend a retreat for the fellowship and the HUGS!
Wishing you both a good rest of September!
Hi, I love reading your blog and thanks so much for keeping it going during these stressful times. It is a joy to see all of your wonderful stitching. I was wondering where you purchased the box with the drawers from. I really love it and would like to do he same as you and put a pattern on top. Take care Karen
ReplyDeleteThanks so much Karen. I purchased it in Hobby lobby last year. Unsure if they still carry it. Thanks for visiting.
DeleteHi Karen! Thanks for coming by to see us today. Hope you will come back often. Have a great week. RJ
DeleteReplying to RJ:
ReplyDeleteBlogger’s new formatting has been a trial to many of us but with enough poking around (and long, deep breaths, and possibly some tears of frustration), it works out. I have yet to figure out some things but I KNOW my blogging community understands what is going on. You are in good company!!!!
I love your Bee stitches. I still have not got seriously into stitching on linen due to the eyesight thing. I may try stronger reader glasses used just for stitching to see if that helps.
Replying to Mary:
You are so blessed to get 4 distinct seasons of the year where you live. I live south of RJ by about an hour, after having lived many years in Colorado. While I love it here, I do miss a little more indication of the seasons. (I do not miss my snow shovel!)
Your Needleworker piece is beautiful and one like that should grace the home of every woman who loves to work with needles and thread.
I learned a new vocabulary word from you, Mary — “chuffed” and looked it up. Yes, indeed, you should be very pleased with yourself for stitching on 40 count. I am very impressed!
By the way, all the spacing and formatting looks perfect on this post, so you must have got it figured out!
Mary & RJ: What a wonderful post, it is amazing how time flies and how much can be accomplished while at home.
ReplyDeleteAll your projects are beautiful, I am so in love with two designs, one is the Mrs. McGuire Bee Charmer, I hope you do not mind if I copy the idea for the basket cover also the Shepherds Bush Life & Liberty, I have so many unconstructed stitching projects I just have no idea what to do.
What a wonderful idea to make a sewing machine cover with a stitching project.
You both are so inspirational when it comes to designing a finished project.
The colors here are at about 20% and turning fast, it is cool and windy today.
I have all the fires and hurricanes added to my daily Prayers, it is such a heart breaking seen on the news, it is hard to see over and over.
The first thing I am planning on doing is to never wear a mask again, that's it for me, I hope by this time next year, I do not have to hear the words, covid, mask, stand six feet apart, mandates, and any other words associated with this year.
Un bel article que celui que vous avez écrit.
ReplyDeleteTout ce que vous avez brodé est splendide, et tellement bien mis en valeur grâce aux finitions. C'est un bonheur que de nous les faire admirer.
La première chose que je ferai lorsque le covid sera terminé c'est d'embrassé ceux qui me sont chers.
Merci à vous d'ouvrir la grille voyageuse au monde entier..
Amitiés de France,
The the nights are in the 50's and 40's here. And the leaves are starting to change and fall. I love the pocket watch finish you made me RJ!
ReplyDeleteThe first thing I long to do when COVID is over is kiss and hug my MOM!!!
Blogger took some getting used to but I think I have it now! Single spacing was my biggest problem in the beginning.
ReplyDeleteI don't think Fall is here yet unless you think the high 90s (a drop from the 100s) qualifies!
The Busy Bee set is gorgeous! I love the Needle Worker piece and the frame is just perfect for it. The Memory Labe section is loaded with beautiful stitching! I couldn't pick out my favorite piece if I tried.
When COVID is OVER (since I live with practically my entire family already) I would like to go out to a restaurant and be waited on. It will be a long time after the COVID is gone because I am not sure all the "germs" will be gone right away.
I love to visit your blog, your posts are always very interesting and pleasant to read. Congratulations to both of you for your embroidery!
ReplyDeleteThat little pocket watch is so tiny and sweet! So much lovely stitching and finishing makes me want to do nothing but stitch. The first thing I'm longing to do when COVID is over is spend the day with my daughter. Take care RJ and Mary.
ReplyDeleteRJ and Mary, so good to see a post from you in my inbox. You are both on my mind a lot. The frame for “Busy Bee” is great, RJ! Mary, “Needleworker” is beautiful, and I love the frame. (Evidently I have framing on the brain today.)
ReplyDeleteDays are starting cool here but ending in the high 70s, low 80s. Smoke in the air has been bad on and off, but not nearly what it could be. My heart goes out to the neighboring states directly in the inferno. My brother and his wife were evacuated, but thankfully the fire did not burn their home and I believe they’ve been able to go back.
It’s hard for me to imagine Covid going away. I’m focusing on what I’ve come to love about the changes it has brought: cooking at home more, having more time with my son, Zoom meetings with my Baha’i group, including some where we have people in other states join (how could that happen if not for Covid forcing it?), and learning to appreciate the sheer joy of hugging someone. My friend Linda came up with a creative one: she stood back-to-back with me and hooked her arms around mine. “Reverse hug!” she said. ☺️
I think I would really miss autumn if I lived down south, too, RJ. In fact, I know I would. Having been in San Diego for the month of July where every day is the same year round, I know I would get tired of not having distinct different seasons. But, at the same time, in the middle of winter here in the north, I may feel differently :)
ReplyDeleteLove your finishes and gifts for Mary, RJ--especially the one finished in the pocket watch. I'm sure she treasures them. And Mary, your Needleworker gift to RJ is so perfect. I have always loved that design. It was fun to be treated to your favorite finishes from the past. You are both so creative and inspiring! Hope you enjoy this last week of the month. Oh, and the first thing I'm going to do when Covid is over is drive four hours to Washington DC and hug my youngest son. I haven't seen him in almost 9 months :(
Dear RJ, dear Mary,
ReplyDeleteI don’t like the new blogger format at all, I also fight with it.
What awonderful post, thanks for the many beautiful photos, from the gifts you have made to each other, as well as of the projects that are your favourites. When COVID is OVER, I am happy to meet my mother in the nursing home without a mask, because she is afraid of people with masks.
Thank you for your comments on my blog, we are back at home, our holidays are over.
Hugs, Jutta
Lovely post with so much beautiful stitching. I think my favourite finish is the Bulletin Board, I hadn't thought of making one of those before!
ReplyDeleteI was late going over to the Blogger, I kept on reverting to the original. It seems pretty similar on my PC. Shift return is the answer to single spacing if anyone hasn't worked that out LOL
I have actually done the thing I was most looking forward to during lockdown - being totally alone in my house! My boys have gone back to school and college so I finally have some alone time.
Next step is for the entertainment business to start up so my hubby can get back to working properly again.
You ladies have outdone yourselves this month! I love everything! That bee set from LK is amazing and so beautifully finished! I love WTNT too and the Valentines set is exquisite! Well, everything is just lovely. What a delightful post! When Covid is over, I look forward to just going out with my family like normal, seeing friends, going to a restaurant, my kids' ball games, daughters' ballet recitals, and without any sense of fear and suspicion. I wonder if it will ever be that way again? But we are all blessed to be well for now.
ReplyDeleteLots of lovely patterns and stitching. I love the bee designs, the Hobby Lobby frame and the pocket watch locket. The needleworker pattern is one of my favourites and also the pinafore pillows, such a good idea. Liberty for all is just beautiful framed and I also love the flower pot pinafores. Beautiful work by you both to be enjoyed and admired by us all.
ReplyDeleteI think I've got the posting figured out, but leaving comments is my problem. It's not showing up as my green dragon, but my other account. I'm not sure what will show up here!
ReplyDeleteBoth of you have such beautifully finished pieces, there are so many to love I can't choose a favourite!
Such a gorgeous post, filled with stunning stitching, as always.
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ReplyDeleteMeu glorioso São José nos abençoe o nosso Brasil são tem piedade dos dessempregado e todos os moradores de rua Amèm
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ReplyDeleteGreat and that i have a keen offer you: kitchen and bath remodeling contractors
ReplyDeletei love the patterns very impressive